Alan McIntyre
Contemporary Artist
White Stick Trails
November 23rd to 30th 2019.
St. Margaret’s House.
White Stick Trails, was part of the Unseen Journeys Exhibition. It was a visual depiction of how Alan navigates his environment as an artist with sight loss. It is a record of his emotional and sensory experience as he navigates his environment. He is reliant on the signals from his white stick and by taping a marker pen to it he was able to trace his path around objects on a paper path.
To further explore inclusivity, variety and diversity, he made “TRAIL FRAGMENTS”. A series of smaller ‘trail’ drawings that use special “swell paper”. This produces a raised line that can be felt. The lines can be touched.
The exhibition includes a series of “Dream Walks” watercolours, “Taking A trip”, map and travel collage and the “White Stick Trails” video which is a video made using accessible technology with his own musical composition expressing his journey.